We have laid out some typical ad sizes to show you what they look like.
REMEMBER…when someone hovers over your ad, it will double in size, so the larger your ad, the more detail will be seen. On the tab Place Your Ad you can see many popular sizes PLUS you can request your own size ad spot using our Art Ad Generator, a unique tool that will allow you to select an ad size to best fit your Art.
You can also add animated Gif files for more impact (see the Drawing category)
To explain the figures and ads seen here, first is the pixel size e.g 16x32
The 2nd figure is the box size, so in this example a 16x32 pixel ad is 1x2 ad boxes
You have multiple choices of ads to choose from. You have taken time
to create your art master piece, now is the time to display it to its full
glory. The larger you ad the better it will appear.