Art News

“Art is no more than an intimate chase of your imagination,
it is not the bread but the wine of life.
Art can be a sense of courage…a sense of chaos…
fill the world with Art and you can fill the world with joy”
Stephen Smith

  • A History of Jewellery
    A History of Jewellery Ancient world jewellery Jewellery is a universal form of adornment. Jewellery made from shells, stone and bones survives from prehistoric times. It is likely that from an early date it was worn as a protection from the dangers of life or as a mark of status or rank. In the […]
  • video-artVideo Art
    Video art is often considered impenetrably abstract and far beyond the comprehension of everyday art-lovers. But if you’ve ever secretly wanted a route into this bizarre and dreamlike world, here are 10 of the best artists working with the medium today. Video footage is the smudge-faced Cinderella […]
  • sculptureHistory of Sculpture
  • Asian Art
    Oil Painting: History, Famous Paintings in Oils In its simplest form, oil paint is a mixture of three things: pigment, binder and thinner. Pigment is the colour element, while the binder (the oil) is the liquid vehicle or carrier which holds the ground-up pigment to be applied to the canvas or […]
  • What is Oil Painting
    Oil Painting: History, Famous Paintings in Oils In its simplest form, oil paint is a mixture of three things: pigment, binder and thinner. Pigment is the colour element, while the binder (the oil) is the liquid vehicle or carrier which holds the ground-up pigment to be applied to the canvas or […]
  • modern artWhat Is Modern Art?
    Video art is often considered impenetrably abstract and far beyond the comprehension of everyday art-lovers. But if you’ve ever secretly wanted a route into this bizarre and dreamlike world, here are 10 of the best artists working with the medium today. Video footage is the smudge-faced Cinderella […]